A fun and motivating series for 40-to-forever women, bursting with inspiration and practical strategies.
Wondering how to get to that life you really thought you’d be living by now? Finally ready to dig up that buried dream? Still trying to figure out what you want to be when you grow up? Not quite sure how to push past your fear, overcome perfectionism, get a plan, stay on track?
Learn how to find your own next chapter. It is truly never too late to shine on.
“Dust off those what-ifs and get ready to glow on.”—Book Perfume

Buy Life Glows On: Reconnecting With Your Creativity to Make the Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life:
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Packed with fun ideas and solid, practical strategies for reconnecting with your creativity and making the rest of your life the best of your life. Ditch all those worries about getting older and embrace what can be the most vibrant and empowering chapter of your life.
Equal parts creativity guide, mood boost, midlife manifesto, self-help salve, and breath of fresh air. 100% witty, wise and generous Claire Cook, who shares everything she’s learned on her own journey that might help you in yours. Filled with great stories and insider tips.
“This is exactly the book I needed right now.”—Looking on the Sunnyside
“Filled with inspiring quotes and strategies.”—New York Journal of Books
“Life Glows On jogged me out of my funk.”—Kathie C.
“Fabulous book to help get your creative juices flowing!”—Patricia A.

Buy Shine On: How to Grow Awesome Instead of Old:
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“A veritable fountain of exciting and practical suggestions for women who want to make sure that even though one cannot help growing older, she can indeed keep from growing old.”—Pamela Kramer, Examiner
“I highly recommend this new book. You’re never too old to get started!”—Sharon’s Garden of Book Reviews
“Full of inspirational quotes as well as practical suggestions, this is a perfect book to begin a new year on the right foot.”—Looking on the Sunnyside
If you’re a forty-to-forever woman who’s interested in aging well, don’t miss this motivating and inspiring book.
A transformative journey that will help you shake off all those worries about getting older and embrace what can be the most vibrant, creative and empowering chapter of your life.

Buy Never Too Late: Your Roadmap to Reinvention:
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Never Too Late speaks to 40-to-forever women—our fears and obstacles and hopes and desires—and gives us cutting edge tools to get where we want to go. Bursting with inspiration, insider stories, and practical strategies. Filled with humor, heart, encouragement, and great quotes. You’ll hop on a plane with me as you figure out the road to your own reinvention.
Claire shares her stories, successes, and failures, as well as those of other reinventors, plus tips for getting a plan, staying on track, pulling together a support system, building your platform in the age of social networking, dealing with the inevitable ups and downs, overcoming perfectionism, and tuning in to your authentic self to propel you toward your goals.
A little bit memoir, a lot inspiration, Never Too Late is real, grounded, and just the book you need to start reinventing your life.
“Never Too Late resonated with me on a level that I didn’t expect. Still at this moment, I am reviewing all the notes that I took while reading the book.”—ArtBooksCoffee